Whether you want the tuneful vibes of the radio cut or the maximum narrative of the podcast version, this week’s episode of Fashion by Dad, breaks new ground. Your host, the ancient one, the meta dad, reprises a film role from the ancient past, that features the credits carved into his naked skin.
The podcast cut of this episode of Fashion by Dad features as its Blazer of Glory the tales of badly dressed executives of the founding PC companies, the Time for a Story Time Story (TfaSTS) features Roald Dhal’s The Landlady, which bleeds into the regular Aint Necessarily So that once again regales you with Tales of Two Chickens, this week The Incident of the Charcoalized Chicken in Walhalla. You can read a detailed account of that yarn on yo’ Dash’n Dadda’s medium page.
There is also the ludicrous but true story of gate crashing a political party with some West Indian cricketers on the night Bob Hawke swept into office. Listen to it in the podcast cut, or read the full account on Medium.com.

The radio cut, features a range of female hip hop artists, intermingled with Voodoo Dragon, The Hu and Annie Lennox.